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Rachel Laing

Joined Marks & Worth in 2019

Rachel graduated from Otago University 2010, and was admitted to the Bar in 2012. She loves working with our wide variety of clients, both commercial and private. She particularly enjoys intellectual property work – advising innovative businesses, both big and small – and the fun and respectful environment that helps her achieve that enviable work/life balance.

After growing up in Dunedin and attending Otago University, Rachel worked in Wellington, Auckland and London, before returning home. She met her partner on her first day back in the country, and lucky for us, the rest is history. Her favourite legal-adjacent TV show is Silk – “because I miss London, especially the buildings.” Rachel’s happy place is on a pebbly beach in Central Otago with her family (and a good bottle of wine – but that’s probably not appropriate for the website).


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